Monday, October 22, 2012

No-Mess Painting

I'm finally getting to some of these blogs I have been meaning to post over the past several months.  It has been quite busy here on the homefront:))lol
This was soooo much fun and veerrry easy to put together for the kids~even T who is 10 months joined in on the art project!

No-Mess Painting for Infants-99

Here is the List of Items Needed:

Tempera paint(or any water-based paint)
Olive oil(baby oil will do as well)
Large ziplock bags
Packing tape or other strong tape.

In the ziplock bag pour about 1/4 cup of oil.  Make sure to put the oil in First, or the paint colors will mix together and make a deep indigo~unless, of course, you want that:))
Next, squirt in 2-3 different colors of paint.  It really depends on how much of one color of paint you want of each, but I put in equal amounts of each color for a balanced approach.  In the end, it will not make a difference. 
Add any color of glitter for a bit of pizzazz~I used gold.
After putting in the ingredients, starting at the bottom of your bag, slowly flatten out the bag, taking out as much air as possible, and seal the top. 
Lastly, with the strong tape, seal the top of the bag where the zip part is~this will make it spill-proof and prevent any oil or paint from escaping as little hands turn it about and enjoy.

Here you can see the glitter we added for special effect.**

This is an example of what happens when you put in the paint before the oil.

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